Friday, October 7, 2016

The Reality of Blind Faith

   Recently in the past few months my husband and I took an endeavor and stepped out in blind faith trusting that the Lord would guide us, we could feel stirring within ourselves that God had a new place, a new heartache, and a new cross to carry. So we with our eyes blind to the future took that step and stepped down from our ministry positions, my husband no longer leading worship, and me no longer in a position to socialize and pour into children and teens and families lives. It was so hard to take that step, we contemplated it for months, fast forward now and we are starting to see the fruit of what God had in store for us.

   I can't really go into detail yet on what exactly we are starting on the path to, the only thing I can say is it starts with an OH and ends with IO. (inside state joke). Through the past few months we struggled with where will the loss in finances come from only to find during the hardest times of the months opening the mail to a random check from a bill over paid months previously, or someone who just felt the Lord prompting them to bless us. We had a vacation we had to cancel only to have it replaced with one that was fully paid and we were well taken care of and spoiled, to me being unsure with this upcoming year of any work I may be able to get before our big move only to a week before school starting getting blessed to continue the job that I loved so dearly the year previously.

   It has amazed my husband and I at how much God is willing to pour out to us when we simply step out in faith. When we step out on the water and we focus on Him, not looking at the storms ahead, not focused on the waves coming to take us under but to just focus on that bright and shining love and compassion filled open arms. God wants to bless you, He doesn't want His people to struggle, however He also has said that we as followers of Christ would face hardships, but one thing He made clear is we NEVER have to face them alone. I am praying for all of you who read this, all of you who share this, whom ever it reaches that you simply pray that God helps you in releasing control and stepping in faith blindly.