Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Even the Littlest of Things

My husband and I recently have embarked on a new journey in blind faith, there is faith and then there is blind faith. I used to think they were both the same but in recent weeks I am learning they are by far different. Faith is trusting in the things unknown, blind faith is trusting in the things unknown while knowing as a human this is pure crazy.

We recently have stepped down from a wonderful ministry as youth pastors to a loving church with loving people and wonderful kids, truly we were blessed. However, in recent past 2 months we have felt God starting to "nudge" we started to feel this unsettlement of what once was settled. So we prayed, was it Randy's job? Was it my job? Was it the degree programs we had chosen to start in August? All of them were no's. We both thought "Surely it can't be our ministry position?!" and with a conjoined heart we knew "yes." that was the part that was unsettled. So with prayer we both individually and together came to the mutual decision of "It's time to go." I think what was crazy for everyone was that we didn't have another ministry position in line, we didn't have a crazy place we were leaving to go to. We just knew that in order for the place God wanted to work out next we needed to be completely stepped down and in that time humbly praying and asking God "Where do we go?" and hoping and waiting and praying that He would provide all our needs when it was time to go. We had many people ask "Where are you going? What ministry opportunity are you leaving for? Will you stay in the area? Will you still be in ministry? Are you stepping down from ministry all together?" It was crazy to answer but we simply could say "You know as much as we do, all we know is that God wants us to step down and wait on His word on where we are going next."

So Now its not even 7 days into us being out of our positions, Sunday was our last day, it was a beautiful last day at that, wonderful memories, conversations and uplifting words. I have always been one to remind someone "Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains." It's a scripture I hold fast to when it comes to getting the desires of my heart that God has placed in me.

With this "move" or new place of ministry God has for us I started to worry and so did Randy, I know so dumb considering God has it all. Randy as a husband has worries of finding a new place we can afford, and that will accept Darby, and us both having an income, and being able to thrive in a new ministry setting. My worries as a wife differed, I mean I can agree with his worry, but mine was more Will I be able to make the new house a home? Will I make friends for us? Will we have a place that I can watch little Darby grow to love? and I think Randy and I both worried "Will we have the finances for the move? Will we be able afford the utilities that come with moving to a new place?"

So for me I categorized what I could as a human, I can't determine the social part, I can't determine if Darby will love her new place (though as a beagle so long as she can romp and play  and has a window to sit in the sun, yes I know like a cat, then she will be happy). I could determine what things would make me feel better about the move, Living in the apartment we have now I didn't have a need for a dinning room table as we had a bar in the kitchen with lovely kitchen bar stools to sit at, and I didn't have a need for a dresser because we had a huge walk in closet with floor to ceiling shelving, and we didn't have a headboard because it wasn't the top priority. So if your following this you probably can imagine what I decided to Trust to the Lord and have faith He would provide.

Now a headboard, dresser, and dinning room set doesn't seem like much to have to get, but for us in the middle of summer, we went from 3 incomes to 1 income, that is a huge jump down in finances. So I knew those items were going to not only have to fit our need, but also be something I could love and feel like would fit in our home now but also later, but it would also have to be EXTREMELY AFFORDABLE! Here below is how in 7 days God provided 2 out of 3 needs (and I am sure the 3rd is soon to follow)

1. The Dinning Room set: This happened Sunday, the day we stepped down from our ministry in blind faith, I found it on facebook on accident I wasn't really looking actively yet, it was a black iron table, with a white distressed wood top with hand painted paris details on it that made it look like it belonged in a garden cafe in Paris (which if you know me you know I love black furniture, iron details and Paris) I messaged the lady without seeing the price she informed me she had it for a high price but no one seemed to want it so she lowered it to $80, well for me I knew my husband was not going to approve $80 for a table and 4 chairs even if it was a great deal for how detailed it was, and with talking to her she managed $65!!! for 4 chairs and a table all personalized and detailed beautifully!!!

So after the dinning room table set, I thought to myself and outloud "Okay God, I see what your doing here, I am going to follow you on this. If I can get my dinning room table set, dresser and headboard, then I know the next place we go will be just fine."

2. The Dresser: This happened just now on Tuesday as I am writing this, it's only been about 48 hours after stepping out in blind faith and after looking on craigslist just to look I found some dressers in those 48 hours but none seemed to work out between price, location or availability. This morning I couldn't sleep so I looked in my email and low and behold a gorgeous $25 dresser with cabinet doors on top that would match Randy's dresser and fit my need. Upon discussing with the lovely woman who has no idea just how much God is using her in this moment to bless another family, she said "she felt it was time to get rid of it because she hasn't used it and it's just sat there looking beautiful, and that she hated to get rid of it but she just didn't have a use for it." *Insert my head screaming and laughing THANK YOU JESUS!!!**

Now I don't have a headboard yet, but it's only been 2 days, who knows by the end of the night I could be picking up a headboard in the morning.

Now that you have read my long post (Can we say I am making up for the time it's been since our last one?) I want to use this to say to you, Jesus said to Cast all your worries on Him, not just the big worries, but the small ones to. God wants to provide your needs, but you have to be willing to not just reach out and press in to Him but also to go where He guides you and do some of the work with Him, not do the work on your own but WITH HIM!!! Cast your cares on God and see what He will do!!!

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